What is the Mckenzie Method of Physical Therapy?

What is the Mckenzie Method of Physical Therapy?

The McKenzie technique of physical therapy, sometimes known as MDT (mechanical diagnostic and therapy), is a way of diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal disorders of the spine and extremities. The McKenzie method of exercise was developed by Robin McKenzie(1931-2013) in 1981, a physical therapist from New Zealand. The feature of the method emphasizes patient empowerment and…

Posterior Pelvic Tilt
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Posterior Pelvic Tilt

What is a Posterior Pelvic Tilt? Posterior pelvic tilt is a biomechanical condition characterized by the rotation of the pelvis in a backward direction, causing the pelvic bones to tilt posteriorly. This movement is mostly linked to changes in the pelvic position, which impact the spine’s alignment and posture in general. Although some degree of…

Building Muscle: Strength vs Endurance

Building Muscle: Strength vs Endurance

Introduction: Do you ever wonder what differentiates athletes with impressive strength from those with extraordinary endurance? While both forms of muscle performance are valuable, understanding the key distinctions can help you tailor your training regimen to achieve your specific goals. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of muscle development, exploring the…

What is the Difference Between Flexion and Extension?

What is the Difference Between Flexion and Extension?

Difference between Flexion and Extension? To differentiate between flexion and extension, it’s essential to understand their distinct roles in describing movements at joints within the human body. Joint movements that are directed in opposite ways are flexion and extension. The human body’s joints and muscles work together to facilitate movement. Joint mobility is accomplished by…

Understanding and Managing Lateral Pelvic Tilt: Left vs. Right Pelvic Tilt
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Understanding and Managing Lateral Pelvic Tilt: Left vs. Right Pelvic Tilt

What is a Lateral Pelvic Tilt? Lateral pelvic tilt, also known as left or right pelvic tilt, is a condition characterized by an uneven alignment of the pelvis, where one side of the pelvis is higher or lower than the other. This tilt can lead to various musculoskeletal issues and discomfort in the lower back,…

Tidal Volume

Tidal Volume

What is a Tidal Volume? Tidal volume refers to the volume of air that is inspired or expired with each breath during normal, quiet breathing. In other words, it represents the amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during a single breath cycle, without any additional effort or forceful inhalation or…

36 Best Exercise for Weight Loss at Home

36 Best Exercise for Weight Loss at Home

Introduction: Exercise for Weight loss is an important part of your overall plan to reduce extra fat in your body, along with a Balanced diet and life-style modification. Exercise is essential for your overall health. Good health and weight loss are interrelated. If a person is present with a higher body mass index (BMI), then…