Inferior Longitudinal Muscle

Inferior Longitudinal Muscle of Tongue

Inferior Longitudinal Muscle Anatomy

The Inferior Longitudinal Muscle of the tongue is one of the intrinsic muscles that contribute to the complex movements and functions of the tongue. As part of the intrinsic musculature, it is situated within the tongue itself and plays a crucial role in shaping and controlling the movements of this versatile organ.

This muscle is a narrow band situated on the under-surface of the tongue between the genioglossus and hyoglossus.

The inferior longitudinal muscle runs from the root to the tip of the tongue. Its fibers merge with the Styloglossus’ fibers in front and are partially attached to the hyoid bone’s body behind.

Its fibers combine anteriorly with those of the genioglossus, hyoglossus, and styloglossus to produce the tongue’s ventral region.


The root of the tongue.


The apex of the tongue.

Nerve Supply

Hypoglossal nerve.


Retracts the tongue with the superior longitudinal muscle, making the tongue short and thick.

The tongue is a muscle organ that is necessary for speaking, eating, and swallowing, among other processes. The tongue’s intrinsic muscles cooperate to provide the precise and complex motions required for these tasks.

The primary muscle involved in changing the position and form of the tongue is the inferior longitudinal muscle. Its fibers contribute to the tongue’s dynamic range of motion since they run longitudinally down the bottom. This muscle helps in tongue protrusion, retraction, and curling through synchronized contractions and relaxations.

Understanding the complex mechanics of tongue movements—which are vital for many aspects of oral and vocal functions—requires an understanding of the anatomy and function of the inferior longitudinal muscle. This muscle collaborates with the tongue’s other intrinsic and extrinsic muscles to provide for the many complex functions of this essential organ.

What is the function of the inferior longitudinal muscle?

Ventroflexion is the downward curling of the tongue caused by the shortening and widening of the inferior longitudinal muscle. The tongue is made longer and narrower by the transverse muscle.

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