Ultraviolet Therapy UVR

Use of UVR Therapy in Physiotherapy : Ultraviolet Therapy

Introduction of UVR :

~Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has been used for many years in the treatment of both skin diseases and wounds. Much work has been carried out to evaluate its effects in disease.
~Ultraviolet radiation covers a small part of electromegnetic spectrum lying  between the violet end of the visible light and X-RAY region.

~UVR are invisible to the human eyes.
~natural source of UVR is sun.
~UVR provokes chemical changes not simply heat at sites where they absorbed.

Types of UVR:

Types of UVR
Types of UVR

(1)UVA(long UV)400-315 nm (penetrates to dermis,responsible for develpoment of the slow natural tan)
(2)UVB(Medium UV,erythermel UV) 315-280 nm,(Produces new pigment             formation,sunburn,vitamin D synthesis,responsible for inducing skin cancer)
(3)UVC(short UV,germicidel UV)280-100 nm, (does not reach the surface of the earth)

Production of UVR:

~Therapuetic UV produced by passage of a current through an ionized vapour often mercury vapour.
~at low pressure or high tempreture.
~devices are commonly used are either
~air cooled(using air circulation with fan)or water cooled (using a water jacket surrounding the burner with continually circulating water.)

Mercury Lamp:

~produced by mercury vapour lamp.
~which consists of the quartz burner tube containing traces of argon gas and mercury under reduced pressure.
~an electrode is inserted at each end of the burner tube.

Mercury vapour lamp:

~the current is applied to the electrodes,
~causes the formation of free mercury ions and electrons.
~whwn free electrons are accelerated in the tube, many collisions with neutral mercury vapour atoms will occur,
~by elastic collions not affecting the atom.
~by knocking an electron off the atom  – ionization

Fluorescent  lamps:-

~these are low pressure mercury discarge tubes with a phosphor coating on inside.
~the particular wavelengths and the amount of each emitted will depend on the composition of the phosphor used.
~this gives a considerable UVA ana UVB output but no UVC.

Alpine lamp:

~medium- pressure mercury arc lamp / high altitude lamp

~wavelength 253 nm (short wavelength ) used in treatment  of generlised skin conditions  as acne and psoriasis.

~short UVR react with oxygen in the air to produce  a small quantity of ozone.

~ozone is  toxic at high concentration so ventilation should be adequate around this lamps.

Krayomayer lamp:

~medium pressure mercury  vapour designed to be used in contact with the tissues, both  on the skin surface and in the body cavities.

~water cooled lamps,wavelength at 366 nm both give UVA and UVB.

~used for treating localised lesion  as pressure areas ,ulcers,sheves, and sinuses in open area.

Theraktin tunnel:

Theraktin Tunnel
Theraktin Tunnel

~Theraktin tubes  consists of the number of flurorescent tubes  each with a parabolic reflactor incorporated into a semicircular tunnel.

~the wavelength between the 290 nm to 350 nm used in treating affecting large areas.

~this provides an even iradiation to the patients.

~it allows treatment of the whole body in 2  halves.

~2 IRR elements are included in order to keep the patient warm in treatment.

~all of the lamps should be positioned  at least 18″ from the patient.

~UVA- dermis level

~UVB-deep epidermis

Physiological effects:



~increased skin growth

~vitamin D production

~esophylactic acid

~immunosuppresive effect

~effect on eye


~erythema is reddning of the skin as a result of an inflammatory reaction stimulated by ultraviolet rays.

~release of histamine-like substance

~dilatation of capplliers and artioles and exudation of the fluid into skin.


~pigmentation or tanning of the skin follows the erythema.

~its amount varies with the intensity of the erythema.

~it is due to increased deposition of the pigment melanin formed in the basal cell layer  of the skin by the melanoblasts , and migrats to the superficial layer of the epidermis.


~is the casting off of the cells which have been destroyed by the UVR.

~desquamation or peeling is propotinal to the intensity of the erythema.

vitamin D production:

~UVB is able to convert sterols in the skin,such as 7-dehydro cholesterol to vitamin D

~vitamin D is required to assist in the absorption of the calcium and phosphours  from the intenstine to the blood stream.

The esophylactic acid:

~the resistance of the body to the infection is increased as a result of stimulation of reticuloendothelial system.

~antibodies against bacteria and toxins.

Immunosuppressive effects:

~UV destroys langeraharns cells and stimulates proliferation of  supressor of T cells.

~(T cells are regulatory in that they inhibit antibody production)

~this emmunosupressive effects may contribute to the development of the skin cancer.

~in short, UV radiation induces a state of  relative immunosuppresion that prevents tumor rejection.

effects on eyes:

~strong  doses of UVB  and C radiation to the eyes to can lead to conjuctivies  and photokeratitis  results in irritation of the eye, a feelling of grit in the eye,watering of the eye, a eversion  to light (photophobia)

~in severe  cases intense pain and spasm of  eyelid may be present,this is known as snow blindness.

~while UVB and C are absorbed in the cornea, UVA can pass through to be absorbed  mainly in the lense of the eye.

~the strong doses of the UVA can lead to formation of cataracts.

Solar elastosis & ageing:

~prolonged exposure of UVR lead to premature ageing of the skin,this is especially so in the fair skinned.

~decresed function of subceous  and sweat glands.

~loss of elastic tissue.

~the skin becomes wrinkled,dry and leathery.


~skin cancers,basal cells,and squmeous cell carcinomas.

~carcinogenesis is a danger ,as these rays may have an effect of DNA and thus on cell replication.

~shorter ultraviolet waves should be avoided  and courses of treatment should not exceed four weeks.

UVR dosage:

~skin response to UVR depends upon

~quantity of UVR energy applied to the skin.

~biological responssiveness  of the skin.

*quantity of UVR energy applied to the skin  which depends upon:-

~(a)output of the lamp

~(b)distance between the lamp and the skin

~(C)angle at which radiation fall on the skin

~(d) time for which radiations are applied on the skin.

Biological responsiveness of the skin:

calculation of the dosage:

~E1 is determined from the skin test and the other erythemal dosages   can be calculated as follows:-

~suberythemal of 75% of E1.




~Double E4 =20.E1

~E4 and double E4 are used on open wounds.

Progression of UV dosage:

~doses can be progressed as follows:-

~suberythemal-previous dose plus 12.5%

~E1 =previous dose plus 25%

~E2=previous dose plus 50%

~E3=previous dose plus 75%

~dosages used on open wounds are not progressed because there is no epidermis to thicken.

Therapuetic uses:


~acne vulgaris


~chronic infection


~protection for hypersensetive skin

~vitamin D deficipency 

~mild hypertension


~pschycological benefits

~non infected wounds

~intact skin


~A skin conditions which presents, localized plaques in which rate of cell turnover from the basal layer through to the superficial layer is too rapid.

~the aim of ultaviolet irradiation is to decrease the rate of DNA synthesis in the cells of the skin and thus slow down their proliferation.(immunosupressive effect of UVR)

Acne vulgaris:

~this is a chronic inflammatory condition of the pilosebaceous unit especially affecting the face ,chest and back.

~using UVR is aiming to produce desquamation to open the blocked pores and hair follicles.

~usually E2 are used.


~an inflammatory response in the skin ,with associated oedema,itching with redness,scalling,vesicles and exudation of serum on the skin.

~it may be caused by contact dermatitis,atopic eczema .

~it is often these who can benefit from mild ultraviolet treatment.

Infected wound:

~treated with high doses of ultraviolet radiation.

~a krayomayer lamp is sucessfull in inhibiting bacteril colony growth.

~the dose must be given is E4.

Non infected wound:

~the aim of ultraviolet radiation is to stimulate the growth of granulation tissues and thus speed up repair.

~can be used in surgical incisions,pressure areas,venous and arterial ulcers.

~UVA and E3 Dose is sufficient.

Incipient pressure areas:

~UVR may be prevent pressure areas from breaking down and stimulate the growth of epithelial cells and to destroy the surface bacteria.

~E1 dose progressed daily using the krayomayer lamp.

~in areas such as the heels or elbows where the skin is thicker,and E2 may be used.


~an autoimmune disease in which destruction of melanocytes in local areas causes white patches appear on the skin.

~both UVA and B stimulate melanocytes activity.

~UVA seems to provoke a darker and long lasting tan although the protective effects do not seem to be so marked.

~UVB provokes more thickening

Protection for hypersensetive skin:

~polymorphic light eruption is the commonest of photodermatoses.

~increased tolerance to sunlight can be achived by a source of UVB.

~starts with a very low dose and gradually progressing.

Vitamin D deficiency:

~vitamin D3 is formed in skin by the action of UVB and C on 7-dehydrocholesterol.

~natural sunlight can also be curative for vitamin D defeciency diseases.

~by moving an electron to a higher energy level  – excitation

Mild hypertension:

~the general erythermal doses of UVB can significantly lower blood pressure.

~it is belived to be due to calcium regulating hormones associated with increased vitamin D production.


~the intractable and serious itching that can occur due to raised bile acid level in billiary cirrhosis or uraemia.

~can sucessfully treated by suberythemal whole body UVB either alone or in combination with the drug  cholestayramine.

Pscyological benefit:

~patients expect to be feel better and consequent tanning makes them look better.

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