Bones Of The Arm

Bones Of The Arm

Introduction A human arm is composed of three bones, namely – the humerus, ulna, and radius. The human arm is an essential component that allows movement along the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers, which is helpful for daily tasks. The humerus, ulna, and radius are the three bones that make up an arm in humans….

Triceps muscle exercise

20 Best Triceps Strengthening Exercises to Build Strong, Defined Arms

Importance of Triceps Strengthening Exercises Triceps strengthening exercises are an essential component of any well-rounded fitness regimen, as the triceps brachii muscles play a critical role in the movement and stability of the arms. Located on the back of the upper arm, the triceps are responsible for elbow extension and are crucial for performing everyday…

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What is nystagmus? Nystagmus (ni-stag-muhs) is a condition in which your eyes make rapid, repetitive, uncontrolled movements — like up and down (vertical nystagmus), side to side (horizontal nystagmus) or in a circle(rotary nystagmus).These eye movements can lead to difficulties with your vision, depth perception, balance, and coordination. Who does nystagmus affect? Nystagmus can affect…



What is a Stroke? A stroke is a medical condition in which blood flow to the brain reduces or stop which leads to brain cell death or loss of function of brain cell. There are mainly 2 types of stroke: Both types lead parts of the brain cell to stop working properly. If symptoms last…

Rectus Femoris muscle exercise

Rectus Femoris muscle exercise

Introduction Strengthening Exercises Benefits of strengthening exercise Straight Leg Raise Exercise Wall Slide Squats Knee Extension Exercise With Elastic Bands One-Legged Squat Alternating Split-Squat Jumps Lunge Forward Deceleration Steps Stretching Exercises Benefits of stretching exercise Side Lying Quad Stretch Standing Quadriceps Stretching exercise Crescent pose Bow pose Dancer’s pose Rectus femoris muscle exercise at Home…

Semitendinosus muscle

Semitendinosus muscle exercise

Introduction Semitendinosus muscle exercise includes different types of exercises such as stretching exercises, strengthening exercises,s, and Neuromuscular Inhibition Techniques. strengthening exercise helps to improve Joint flexibility, Increased muscle mass, Stronger bones, Weight control, and Balance. stretching exercise Improves your performance in physical activities, Decreases your risk of injuries, Helps your joints move through their full…

Deltoid muscle

Deltoid Muscle

Introduction The Deltoid muscle is a large triangular-shaped muscle that lies over the shoulder joint and it gives the shoulder its rounded contour.Deltoid muscle contains three-part Deltoid muscles act as an abductor of the shoulder and stabilizers of the humeral head. as well as assist in elevation forward.The deltoid is a very powerful muscle and…