
Hanumanasana: Steps, Health Benefits

Hanumanasana is an advanced seated asana that requires lots of flexibility in the hips, groin and legs — particularly the hamstrings and quadriceps. The name comes from the name of the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman; and asana, meaning “pose.” This asana is named as such because it represents the leap Hanuman made from the southern…



Gomukhasana: Gomukhasana is a seated yoga posture that stretches several parts of the body simultaneously, including the ankles, hips, thighs, shoulders, underarms, triceps, and chest. The name comes from the Sanskrit go, meaning “cow,” mukha, meaning “face,” and asana, meaning “pose.” How to do Gomukhasana? Steps: Begin by sitting in a cross-leg seated posture. Bring…


Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

What is a Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)? Dhanurasana, commonly known as Bow Pose, is a dynamic backbend posture in yoga that derives its name from the Sanskrit words “Dhanur” (bow) and “Asana” (pose), symbolizing the shape the body takes while performing the pose. This asana is highly beneficial for enhancing spinal flexibility, strengthening the back muscles,…

Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Dandasana, also known as Staff Pose, is a foundational seated yoga posture that serves as a starting point for many other seated poses. Derived from the Sanskrit words “Danda,” meaning “stick” or “staff,” and “Asana,” meaning “pose,” Dandasana emphasizes proper alignment and posture. This pose is essential for building strength and awareness in the core,…

Bhujangasana Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is a back-bending asana in hatha yoga. Health Benefits of Bhujangasana: Bhujangasana may strengthen the spine, stretch the chest, shoulders, and abdomen, firm the buttocks, remove lethargy relieve stress and fatigue, and make the practitioner active. Traditional texts say that Bhujangasana increases body heat, destroys disease, and awakens kundalini. The practitioner…



Description: Bharadvajasana II variation viewed from the front Bharadvajasana is a basic seated spinal twist. It has three main variations:- Bharadvajasana II is the advanced variation requiring high hip mobility in which one leg articulated as in the Padmasana (lotus position), while the other leg is articulated as in the Virasana. Bharadvajasana I is the…