Child’s pose (Balasana)

Bālāsana (Child Pose)

Balasana, commonly known as Child’s Pose, is a restorative yoga posture that promotes relaxation and grounding. This pose, which has its roots in the Sanskrit terms “bala” (child) and “asana” (stance), resembles the fetal position and represents repose and surrender. It is often used as a resting pose during yoga practice and helps stretch the…



Bakasana: Bakāsana, often used interchangeably with Kakāsana (Sanskrit: काकासन, Crow Pose) is an asana. In all variations, this is an arm balancing pose in which hands are planted on the floor, shins rest upon upper arms, and feet lift up. Description This asana is considered an arm balance. According to B.K.S. Iyengar there are two…

Ardha Candrāsana:

Ardha Candrāsana:

Ardha Candrāsana : Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose is an asana. Benefits: Like all standing balance asanas, ardha chandrasana offers many benefits related to focus and proprioception, and strengthening of hip and knee muscles. This asana is particularly beneficial to the external rotators and stabilizers of the hip including gluteus medius and minimus, obturators…

Downward Facing Dog Pose[Adho Mukha Svanasana]

Adho mukha śvānāsana (Downward-Facing Dog)

Adho mukha śvānāsana: Adho Mukha Śvānāsana, often referred to as Downward-Facing Dog Pose in English, is one of the most foundational and widely practiced postures in yoga. Anatomical focus : Description : The preparatory position is with the hands and knees on the floor, hands under the shoulders, fingers spread wide, knees under the hips,…



Tadasana Tadasana and Samasthiti are two names for a common standing yoga posture.Tadasana is an asana. Depending on the Yoga lineage practiced, Samasthiti? and Ta?asana may refer to the same asana or two similar asanas. Description It is a basic standing asana in most forms of yoga with feet together and hands at the sides…


Antenatal Exercise and Postnatal exercise

What is Antenatal exercise? ~antenatal exercises are the exercises prescribed during the pregnancy by the physiotherapists.~thsese exercises helps expectant mothers to gain knowledge on how to look after themselves during pregnancy.~antenatal exercises provides many benefits to the pregnant mother if the exercises are performed correctly under the guidance of the physiotherapist and gynaecologists. ~Antenatal exercise…

Rectus abdominis muscle
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Rectus abdominis muscle: Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise

What is Rectus abdominal muscle? The rectus abdominis muscle also called the “abdominal muscle” or sometimes the “abs muscles”, is a paired straight muscle located at the front side of the abdominal area. The Rectus abdominis muscle is two parallel muscles, which are separated by the linea alba (midline band of connective tissue). The rectus…