
Heat Therapy: Benefits, Indication, Contraindication, Precaution

What is a Heat Therapy? Heat therapy, also known as hot therapy, hot packs, or moist heat therapy, is a treatment used to treat a wide range of conditions. It is becoming increasingly popular as a way of treating pain and swelling and is used to reduce inflammation and improve mobility. It is also used…

Whirlpool Bath Therapy

Whirlpool Bath Therapy

What is a Whirlpool Bath Therapy? Whirlpool bath therapy, also known as hydrotherapy or aquatic therapy, is a therapeutic treatment that utilizes the soothing and healing properties of water to promote relaxation, pain relief, and overall well-being. This form of therapy involves immersing the body in a specially designed whirlpool bath or hot tub that…

Flexor digitorum brevis muscle
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Flexor digitorum brevis muscle: Origin, Insertion, Action, Exercise

Flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) is a large muscle located deep in the sole of the foot, just above the central part of the plantar fascia, with which it is firmly united and inferior to the tendon of Flexor Digitorum Longus. It is the central muscle of the superficial layer of the plantar foot muscles. Origin:…

Biceps femoris muscle
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Biceps Femoris Muscle

Biceps Femoris Muscle Anatomy The Biceps Femoris is one of the three muscles that make up the Hamstring group and is used when standing or sitting. The Biceps Femoris is the largest of the three muscles and is responsible for the most movement at the knee. The Biceps Femoris attaches to the ischial tuberosity, lateral…

Obturator Internus Muscle: Anatomy, Origin, Function, Exercise
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Obturator Internus Muscle: Anatomy, Origin, Function, Exercise

The obturator internus is a bilateral triangular-shaped muscle -the deep muscle of the gluteal region which is part of the lateral wall of the pelvis. It is seen in the superior inner side of the obturator membrane. It is also called The internal obturator muscle. This muscle is mainly a part of the lower limb…

Gluteus maximus muscle
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Gluteus Maximus Muscle

Gluteus maximus muscle and minimus, as the gluteal muscles, and sometimes referred to informally as the “glutes”) is the main extensor muscle of the hip. Gluteus Maximus Muscle Anatomy Origin the posterior surface of the ilium, sacrum, and coccyx. It slopes across the buttock at a 45-degree angle. Insertion It inserts into the iliotibial tract…

Rectus femoris Muscle
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Rectus femoris Muscle

Rectus femoris Muscle Anatomy The rectus femoris is a key muscle located in the anterior (front) compartment of the thigh. It is one of the four quadriceps muscles, along with the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. As one of the primary extensors of the knee joint, the rectus femoris plays a crucial role…

Brachialis Muscle
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Brachialis Muscle

Brachialis Muscle Anatomy The brachialis (brachialis anticus) is a muscle in the upper arm that flexes the elbow joint. It is the prime mover of elbow flexion. The brachialis actually generates about 50% more power and is thus the prime mover of elbow flexion. The brachialis is deeper than the biceps brachialis muscle and is…

Samarpan Physiotherapy Clinic

Samarpan Physiotherapy Center Bapunagar, Vastral, Nava Naroda, Amaraiwadi Ahmedabad

Samarpan Physiotherapy center is started by Dr. Nitesh Patel – a Physiotherapist in March 2005, in the Amaraiwadi area. Gradually They started in 2nd clinic in Bapunagar in 2009, 3rd clinic near Nirant chara rasta vastral in 2011, and the Fourth clinic in Nava Naroda Near Haridarshan Char rasta in 2021. Dr. Nitesh Patel is…