
Hanumanasana: Steps, Health Benefits

Hanumanasana is an advanced seated asana that requires lots of flexibility in the hips, groin and legs — particularly the hamstrings and quadriceps. The name comes from the name of the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman; and asana, meaning “pose.”

This asana is named as such because it represents the leap Hanuman made from the southern tip of India, as described in the epic poem, “Ramayana.”

Steps of Hanumanasana (Monkey Pose)

First put down your both knees on the floor, note that your knees are flabbily apart. Now keep your right foot in forward direction and lift the inner sole. Make sure that your outer heel should touching the ground and Breathe in.

After that breathe out and slowly bend your torso towards forward direction, during this touch the ground by your fingertips.

Then, place your left knee backward till the front part of your foot and the knee touch the floor. During this, slowly move your right leg forward and it touches the ground.

To complete off the posture and come into a split position, keep sliding your right foot forward. Ensure the toes are indicating upwards. Move your left foot in reverse, ensuring the toes is touching the ground.

Lift up your arms over your head and combine your palms. Extend your arms and delicately curve your back until you are agreeable. During This breath normally.

Remain in the pose about 30 to 60 seconds or as long as you are comfortable.

Discharge the stance by moving your body weight on hands. Press your hands on the floor immovably, and but both your feet back to the initial stage.

Repeat the same process with your left leg in forward direction and right leg in backward direction.

Beginner’s tip:

This is an intermediate pose and even regular yoga practitioners may initially find it a difficult to perform a full split. You may place a blanket below your knees and ankles to avoid any pain or discomfort.

Benefits of Hanumanasana:

Hanumanasana stretches and strengthens muscles in the hamstrings, thighs and groin region. This yoga pose also stimulates the abdominal organs and improves their functioning. A regular practice of this pose ensures that the hips become more flexible over a period of time.


Hamstrings muscles, Thighs, Groin.


Legs, Abdomen, Hips.

Pose type:



Refrain from practicing this yoga pose if you have an injury in the hamstring or groin area. Do not force do a full split as it might harm the body. Respect your body’s limits and stretch till where you comfortably can.

Hanumanasana yoga Video :

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