Shoulder Dislocation
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Shoulder Dislocation

What is a Shoulder Dislocation? Shoulder dislocation is a common orthopedic injury characterized by the displacement of the humeral head from the glenoid fossa of the scapula. It often occurs due to trauma, such as falls, sports injuries, or accidents, leading to instability and pain in the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint‘s unique anatomy, providing…

Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment
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Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment

What is a Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment? Suprascapular nerve entrapment is a painful diseased condition of the shoulder characterized by traction damage to the suprascapular nerve, which causes shoulder pain. Though it is uncommon, it can be caused by excessive nerve deviation, such as during sports that require frequent overhead positioning of the arms. Suprascapular neuropathy,…

Shoulder Dystocia

Shoulder Dystocia

Introduction Shoulder dystocia is defined as a mechanical problem that occurs during vaginal delivery and is characterized by one of the following parameters. Suppose gentle downward traction fails to deliver the foetal shoulders. In that case, additional delivery manoeuvres may be necessary for a successful delivery, a documented head-to-body interval of more than one minute….

Fibula Fracture

Fibula Fracture

Introduction A fibula fracture refers to the breakage or damage to the fibula, which is one of the two long bones located in the lower leg alongside the tibia. It is a common injury accounting for about 10-15% of all adult fractures. The fibula, also known as the calf bone, is a long thin bone…

Zygomatic Fracture
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Zygomatic Fracture

Introduction Following nasal bone fractures, zygomatic fractures are the second most common face fractures, occurring primarily in males in their twenties and thirties. The zygomatic bone, particularly the malar eminence, influences the appearance of our faces. It is a component of the orbit’s lateral wall and floor, as well as the zygomatic arch. It also…

Soft tissue injury

Soft tissue injury

Introduction: A soft tissue injury occurs when you hurt a soft tissue, such as a muscle, ligament, or tendon. When you have a soft tissue injury, you’ll probably be aware of it because the pain and stiffness might significantly limit your capacity to engage in daily activities and sports. Sports, workouts, training, and even low-impact…

Lower Back Muscle Pulled
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Lower Back Muscle Pulled

Introduction Lower back muscle pulls, also known as strains, can be a source of significant discomfort and limited mobility. The lower back, or lumbar region, is a complex network of muscles, ligaments, and joints that support the spine and facilitate various movements. When these muscles are subjected to excessive force, overuse, or improper lifting techniques,…