Obliquus capitis superior muscle
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Obliquus Capitis Superior Muscle

Obliquus capitis superior muscle Anatomy

a small muscle in the upper back part of the neck and is one of the suboccipital muscles and part of the suboccipital triangle.


Lateral mass of atlas.


Lateral half of the inferior nuchal line.

Nerve Supply

Suboccipital nerve.

Blood Supply

The obliquus capitis superior muscle and the other suboccipital muscles receive blood flow from the vertebral artery and the deep descending branches of the occipital artery. Through the posterior external vertebral venous plexus, the vertebral vein drains the obliquus capitis superior muscle.


Extends head and flex head to the ipsilateral side.


The most lateral of the suboccipital muscles is the obliquus capitis superior muscle, which is situated superiorly to the inferior obliquus muscle and superficially to the recti muscles. Additionally, it is the suboccipital group’s smallest muscle.

The first cervical or suboccipital nerve and the vertebral artery are located within the suboccipital triangle, which has the obliquus capitis superior as its superolateral boundary. This muscle is shared by the splenius capitis and the longissimus capitis.

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