

Mayurasana : Mayurasana is an advanced arm-balancing asana that tones and detoxifies the body, promotes mental health, and energizes the solar plexus chakra. Cautions: Mayūrāsana is an important balancing asana that demands physical strength. In this asana the entire weight of the body remains on the navel and it is possible to lose balance at…

Matsyasana – Yoga Position

Matsyasana – Yoga Position

What is a Matsyasana? Matsyasana, commonly known as Fish Pose, is a classic yoga asana that holds significant importance in both the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga practice. The name “Matsyasana” is derived from Sanskrit, where “Matsya” means “fish” and “asana” refers to “pose” or “posture.” Matsya is also the name of an incarnation…

Makarasana :-

Makarasana :-

What is a Makarasana? Makarasana is a reclined yoga asana that relaxes the body, stimulates the sacral chakra, and can even be used for meditation or pranayama. The name comes from the Sanskrit makar, meaning “crocodile,” and asana, meaning “pose.” Description:- In Light on Yoga, B. K. S. Iyengar notes that Makarāsana is described in…