
Natarajasana (Dancer Pose)

What is a Natarajasana (Dancer Pose)? Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) is a graceful yoga pose that combines balance, strength, and flexibility. Named after Lord Shiva in his form as Nataraja, the cosmic dancer, this pose symbolizes grace and power. It involves standing on one leg while the other leg is lifted and stretched back, with one…



Mayurasana : Mayurasana is an advanced arm-balancing asana that tones and detoxifies the body, promotes mental health, and energizes the solar plexus chakra. Cautions: Mayūrāsana is an important balancing asana that demands physical strength. In this asana the entire weight of the body remains on the navel and it is possible to lose balance at…


Matsyasana – Yoga Position

What is a Matsyasana? Matsyasana, commonly known as Fish Pose, is a classic yoga asana that holds significant importance in both the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga practice. The name “Matsyasana” is derived from Sanskrit, where “Matsya” means “fish” and “asana” refers to “pose” or “posture.” Matsya is also the name of an incarnation…



Karnapidasana Karnapidasana is the name of an inversion asana that requires flexibility and balance. The name comes from the Sanskrit karna, meaning “ear,” pida, meaning “pressure,” and asana, meaning “pose” or “posture.” This asana is also sometimes called raja halasana (king plow pose) because it is a more advanced version of halasana. Steps of Karnapidasana…