
Trikonasana :

Trikonasana  :

Trikonasana is a standing yoga posture that requires strength, balance and flexibility. In this posture, both arms extend with the legs spread apart and one foot turned at a 90-degree angle.

The upper body bends toward the lead foot so that one arm reaches toward, but not necessarily touching, the ground and the other toward the sky.

Trikonasana steps :

Stand with the feet one leg-length apart, knees should unbent.

Turn your right foot completely to the outside and the left foot less than 45 degree to the inside, keeping the heels in the line with the hips.

Trikonasana step-1
Trikonasana step-1

The arms are spread out to the sides, parallel to the ground, palms facing down, the trunk is extended as far as is comfortable to the right while arms remain parallel to the floor.

Once the trunk is fully extended to the right, the right arm is dropped so that the right hand reaches the Shinto the front of the right foot, with the palm down if flexed.

Trikonasana step-2
Trikonasana step-2

The left arm is extend vertically and the spine and trunk are gently twisted counterclockwise using the extended arms as a lever while the spine remains parallel to the ground.

The arms are stretched away from one another and the head is often turned to gazing at the left thum , slightly intensifying the spinal twist.

Trikonasana step-3
Trikonasana step-3

Hold this position for 5 to 10 breaths then change side.

Repeat the posture but change our legs position.

Trikonasana video

Health Benefits :

Helps in Stretches hips, back muscles, chest and shoulders.

Stretches the spine.

Give Strength to the thighs, calves and buttocks.

Stimulates the spinal nerves.

It improves the flexibility of the spine, correct alignment of shoulders

It relieves from backache, gastritis, indigestion, acidity, flatulence

Assists treatment of neck sprains, reduces stiffness in the neck, shoulders and knees, strengthens the ankles and tones the ligaments of the arms and legs

It also stimulates the nervous system and alleviates nervous depression, strengthens the pelvic area and tones the reproductive organs.


Knee, Thigh, Ankle .


Thorax, Vertebral column, Hip, Inguinal region, Knee, Thigh, Hamstring, Calf, Ankle, Shoulder .

Precautions :

Don’t overstretch the body while practicing this asana as it may cause unnecessary pain or injury.

If the neck begins to hurt in the upward direction, slightly lower it.

Avoid practicing this asana in case of severe pain in the neck, back or shoulders.

People suffering from any of these conditions should avoid practicing this asana: any kind of injury in the knee, arthritis, vertigo, spinal disorders, high blood pressure, breathing trouble, migraine, heart problem or cervical spondylitis.

contraindication :

Those suffering from high blood pressure should not lift their arms up, but keep their palms on their hips. Those with stiff shoulders should gradually stretch their arms up in line with the shoulders or bring the arms forward and then stretch the arms upwards.

Those with hyperextension of the knees should not lock the knees and should try to engage the calf muscles. For those with any neck injuries, look forward (do not turn your head to look up).

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