Occipitofrontalis muscle
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Occipitofrontalis muscle

Occipitofrontalis Muscle Anatomy It is a muscle that covers parts of the skull. It consists of two parts or bellies: The occipital belly, near the occipital bone, and the frontal belly, near the frontal bone. In humans, the occipitofrontalis only serves for facial expressions. Origin: Two occipital bellies and two frontal bellies. Insertion: Galea aponeurotic….

Depressor Labii Inferioris Muscle
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Depressor Labii Inferioris Muscle

Depressor labii inferioris Muscle Anatomy This muscle arises from the oblique line of the mandible, and inserts on the skin of the lower lip, blending in with the orbicularis oris muscle. At its origin, depressor labii is continuous with the fibers of the platysma muscle. Much yellow fat is intermingled with the fibers of this…

Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle
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Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle

The Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle, also known as the triangularis muscle, is a facial muscle located in the lower part of the face. It is one of the muscles that controls the movement of the mouth and is responsible for certain facial expressions. The term “depressor” refers to its action of pulling down or depressing…

Zygomaticus minor muscle
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Zygomaticus minor muscle

Zygomaticus Minor Muscle Anatomy The zygomaticus minor is a muscle of facial expression. It originates from zygomatic bone and continues with orbicularis oculi on the lateral face of the levator labii superioris and then inserts into the outer part of the upper lip. Like all muscles of facial expression, it is innervated by the facial…

Levator Anguli Oris Muscle
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Levator Anguli Oris Muscle

Levator anguli oris Muscle Anatomy The levator anguli oris (caninus) is a facial muscle of the mouth arising from the canine fossa, immediately below the infraorbital foramen. It elevates the angle of the mouth medially. The buccal branches of the facial nerve supply the levator anguli oris. Origin The levator anguli oris arises from the…