Mentalis Muscle
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Mentalis Muscle Anatoy
The mentalis is a paired central muscle of the lower lip, situated at the tip of the chin. It originates from the mentum and inserts into the chin soft tissue.
The origin of a muscle refers to the location in the body in which the muscle begins. The origin of the mentalis0. is the incisive fossa of the mandible.
The insertion point of the mentalis is skin of the lower lip. Since it attaches to the skin of the lower lip, when this muscle contracts.
Nerve supply
The mandibular branch of the facial nerve (VII) supplies the muscle.
Blood supply
The inferior labial branch of the facial artery and the mental branch of the maxillary artery supply the mentalis muscle.

Mentalis has two actions:
- elevates the base and protrusion of the lower lip,
- wrinkles the skin of the chin.
The mentalis muscle works in coordination with the orbicularis oris muscle (for the upper lip) to allow the lips to “pout”. When the mentalis muscle acts, the skin on the chin wrinkles and dimples, leading to facial expressions of scepticism or annoyance.
Exercise for Mentalis Muscle
- Elevate the lower lip. This will wrinkle the skin of the chin. If you place your finger firmly on the mentalis muscle you will feel that it is contracted. Hold this contraction for a second.
- Now strongly lower the chin. Hold this contraction for a second.
- Do not move the head though. The head remains stationary throughout the exercise.
- Do this exercise maintaining good form for ten or twelve repeatations.
Related pathology
In Bell’s palsy mentalis commonly paralysis.
A mentalis muscle movement disorder occurs mainly due to a genetic disease called geniospasm. The muscle is repeatedly contracted, and episodes can last anywhere from a few seconds to several hours.
It could be treated with some drugs, such as benzodiazepines and haloperidol. Botulinum toxin injections that paralyze the muscle permanently could be more efficient.
To relieve chin wrinkles which occur mainly due to mentalis muscle tightness that may be relieved with botulinum toxin. This might be carried out for aesthetic reasons.
The mentalis muscle works to create facial emotions of scepticism and dislike. It elevates the chin’s skin and gives the lower lip significant vertical support by raising, everting, and projecting the lower lip.
The mentalis muscle serves this purpose, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as the pouting muscle. The mentalis muscle, sometimes known as the “pouting muscle,” lifts the lower lip as it contracts.
Lip incompetence, often referred to as mentalis strain, is a condition where one finds it difficult to keep their lips together when lying still. Lips that protrude and facial tension when trying to close your lips are two more prominent signs of lip incompetence.
Mentalis Chin Lift: Dimpling the chin by pressing the bottom lip towards the top. can feel resistance with a finger on the chin and lip. enhances the chin’s Mentalis muscle. Massage the corners of the lips by pressing the pads of your fingers just above the jawline.
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