Golfer’s Elbow
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Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s elbow, also medically termed medial epicondylitis, is the condition that causes inflammation to the tendons, which connect the forearm muscles to the elbow. As a result, the Golfer’s elbow causes pain where tendons of the forearm muscles get attached to the bony bumps on the inside of your elbow. The pain can spread from…

Rotator Cuff Injury
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Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff is consists of four muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder in place. Muscles and tendons surround the joint and keep the head of your upper arm bone firmly in the shallow socket of the shoulder. Your rotator cuff is responsible for lifting your arm and reaching upwards. Rotator cuff injuries are widespread….

All You Need to Know About Supraspinatus Tendinitis
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All You Need to Know About Supraspinatus Tendinitis

The supraspinatus tendon is a part of the rotator cuff muscles and is present in the subacromial space. The Supraspinatus is one of the four rotator cuff muscles. The condition of Supraspinatus tendinitis becomes more frequent after middle age. It is a very common cause of shoulder pain. Supraspinatus tendon overuse is considered one of…

All you need to know about Frozen Shoulder
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All you need to know about Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is also known as Adhesive capsulitis (AC) is the condition that affects the shoulder joint. Over time, it becomes very hard to move the shoulder. Usually, It involves pain and inelasticity that develops gradually, gets worse, and then goes away. This can last from a year to 3 years. The word ‘frozen’ is…

Levator scapulae syndrome : Physiotherapy Treatment
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Levator scapulae syndrome : Physiotherapy Treatment

Levator Scapulae Syndrome is a “pain over the upper medial angle of the scapula” that is still used in clinical practice in certain settings round the world. This terminology describes a set of signs and symptoms that often present together without identifying the cause of the pain and dysfunction, as is the case with other…

FACET JOINT SYNDROME : Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise
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FACET JOINT SYNDROME : Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

INTRODUCTION:- Facet joint syndrome is a common cause of back and neck pain. It is caused by wear and tear on a joint or joints between your vertebrae (small bones that make up your spine). Facet joints link the vertebrae (small back bones) together in your spine. These joints stabilize the spine and allow you…