Depressor Septi Nasi Muscle
Table of Contents
Depressor septi Nasi Muscle Anatomy
The depressor septi (Depressor alœ nasi) arises from the incisive fossa of the maxilla. Its fibers ascend to be inserted into the nasal septum and back part of the alar part of nasalis muscle. It lies between the mucous membrane and muscular structure of the lip.
The Depressor septi nasi muscle is a small facial muscle located in the upper lip region. It runs vertically from the nasal septum (the cartilage that separates the nostrils) to the upper lip. The name “depressor” implies that its primary function is to depress or pull down the tip of the nose.
The depressor septi (Depressor alœ nasi) arises from the incisive fossa of the maxilla.
Its fibers ascend to be inserted into the nasal septum and back part of the alar part of nasalis muscle. It lies between the mucous membrane and muscular structure of the lip.
Nerve supply
The depressor septi receives nerve supply from the buccal branch of the facial nerve (CN VII).
Blood supply
The superior labial branch of the facial artery supplies the depressor septi.
Muscle action

The depressor septi is a direct antagonist of the other muscles of the nose, drawing the ala of the nose downward, and thereby constricting the aperture of the nares. Works like the alar part of the nasalis muscle.
This muscle is involved in certain facial expressions, especially those related to sadness or expressing a feeling of contempt. When activated, the Depressor septi nasi muscle pulls the tip of the nose downward, creating a wrinkling effect around the nasal area.
It’s worth noting that facial muscles are complex and interconnected, working together to produce various expressions. The Depressor septi nasi muscle is just one of many muscles that contribute to facial movements and expressions.
Clinical Significance
The depressor septi nasi muscle’s head is moved during rhinoplasty to guarantee that the nose will return to its normal position following the procedure. Different strategies can be applied with comparable outcomes.
In Bell’s palsy depressor septi commonly paralysis.
The depressor septi nasi muscle narrows the labiocolumellar angle by drawing up the top lip and lengthens the airway by pulling the nasal tip and membranous septum.
The incisive fossa of the maxilla is where the Depressor septi (Depressor aloe nasi) originates. Its fibers climb and are placed into the septum and back of the ala of the nose. It is situated between the lip’s mucous membrane and its muscular framework.
A face expression nasal muscle is the depressor septi nasi. It helps the nasal opening to open up by supporting the alar portion of the nasalis muscle. the attachments has its maxillary origin (above the medial incisor tooth) and nasal septum insertion.
The well-documented technique of resecting the depressor septi muscle during rhinoplasty is frequently utilized to repair the ptotic tip and smile deformity.