Wrist flexors muscle exercise
Table of Contents
- Wrist flexors muscle exercise helps to Helps to improve blood flow to your hands, Helps to warm your ligaments and muscles, and Helps to improve the oxygen and nutrients that circulate through the joint’s membranes, triggering the process of removing cell debris, from joints, Helps to Increase the flexibility of the wrist joint, Helps to improve the range of motion of the wrist and radio-ulnar joint and Helps to decrease joint injury.
- The superficial muscle of the anterior compartment of the forearm
- The muscles of the front of the forearm are divided into superficial and deep groups of muscle.
- There are five muscles in the superficial muscle group of the forearm. They are the pronator teres, the flexor carpi radialis, the palmaris longus, the flexor carpi ulnaris, and the flexor digitorum superficialis muscles.
- The deep muscle of the anterior compartment of the forearm
- The deep muscles of the anterior compartment of the forearm are the flexor digitorum profundus, the flexor pollicis longus, and the pronator quadratus muscles.
- Wrist flexors muscle exercise includes two types of the exercise
- Strengthening exercise
- Stretching exercise
Health benefits of doing wrist flexors muscle strengthening exercises
- Helps to improve blood flow to your hands.
- Helps to warm your ligaments and muscles.
- Helps to improve the oxygen and nutrients that circulate through the joint’s membranes, triggering the process of removing cell debris from joints.
- It Helps to Increase the flexibility of the joint.
- Helps to improve the range of motion of the wrist and radio-ulnar joint and Helps to decrease joint injury.
- Helps to decrease the risk of injury by elongating the muscles.
- Helps to relieve pain in the hand and forearm.
- Helps to strengthen the muscles around the radioulnar joints for better support
- It encourages strength of the wrists and gripping strength which helps to make a grip during workouts in the gym.
- Helps to improve Grip strength.
- It also helps to improve speed and power which is useful for throwing activities and other routine activities such as opening jars, carrying groceries, etc.
Strengthening exercise
Wrist Circles
- How To Do Wrist Circles
- The patient’s position is to Sit or stand with your spine erect, shoulders rolled back, and look forward.
- Extend your hands forward at shoulder level, and fold each palm into the fist.
- Keeping your elbows stable, turn your wrists to the left, flex them up, turn to the right, and then flex down. Repeat 10 times.
- Reverse the direction and repeat it 10 times.

Resistance Band Wrist Flexion Exercise
- How To Do Resistance Band Wrist Flexion Exercise
- The patient position is to Sit on a chair, wrap a tube resistance band around your right palm, and step on the other end of the band with your right foot. Then place your right elbow on your right thigh, with the palm facing up. This is the starting position.
- Move your fist down toward the ground. Hold this pose for a second.
- Flex your wrist up toward your body.
- Do this 10 times.
- Wrap the resistance band around your left hand and then repeat it.

Wrist Roller Exercise With A Dumbbell
- How To Do Wrist Roller Exercise With the Dumbbell
- Hold a dumbbell with both hands. Keep your legs hip-width apart, elbows bent slightly, and palms facing your body.
- Flex your right wrist and extend your left wrist. In doing so, you will roll a dumbbell inward. Do this 10 times.
- Reverse the direction. Then extend your right wrist and flex your left wrist. When you do this, a dumbbell will roll outward. Do this 10 times.

Dumbbell Radial And Ulnar Deviation
- How To Do Radial and Ulnar Deviation with Dumbbell
- Sit or stand and hold a dumbbell in your right hand like you would do hammer curls. Keep your hand extended at shoulder level, and the left hand on your left thigh.
- Then without bending your elbow, flex your wrist up toward your body. Hold this pose for a second.
- Slowly lower the wrist so that your knuckles are pointed toward the ceiling.
- Do this 10 times.
- Repeat with your left hand.

Barbell Wrist Curl Exercise
- How To Do The Barbell Wrist Curl Exercise
- The Position is to Sit on a bench and hold a barbell in your hands. Your palms should be facing up, shoulders rolled back, and legs shoulder-width apart. Place your forearms on your thighs. This is the starting position.
- Without rolling the barbell, extend your wrists down, toward the ground. Hold this pose for a second.
- Flex your wrist up, toward your body.
- Do this exercise 10 times to complete one set.

Wrist Exercise With Tennis Ball
- How To Do Wrist Exercise With Tennis Ball
- Hold a tennis ball with your right hand and place your right forearm on a table for support.
- Squeeze the tennis ball and count to 5 and then Release.
- Do this 10 times and repeat with your left side hand.

Wrist Strengthening Plate Pinch Exercise
- How To Do the Wrist Strengthening Plate Pinch Exercise
- The patient’s position is Sitting on a bench. Keep your legs shoulder-width apart. Place your forearms on your thighs.
- Then hold a weight plate with your index finger, middle finger, and thumb in each hand.
- Pinch the weight plate with the finger for 10 seconds and then release it and then Repeat.

Wrist Grip Strengthening Exercise
- How To Do the Wrist Grip Strengthening Exercise
- For this, you need a handgrip tool
- Hold the tool and squeeze it.
- Release and squeeze it again.
- Do the same with the other side hand.

Wrist Exercise With Putty
- How To Do the Wrist Exercise With Putty
- Hold a ball of putty with your one palm.
- With the other pinch the putty with your right index finger and thumb and press it away. Release the pinch, turn the putty a little, and pinch it again until the putty edges are pinched. Do this with the other hand as well.
- Take a ball of putty and roll it using the rolling pin.
- Place your palms on a table or a surface on which the putty is placed. Place your thumbs on the putty.
- Press the putty in the middle with both thumbs and move them outside.

Foam Rolling For Wrists
- How To Do the Foam Rolling For Wrists
- You can use a tennis or cricket ball to do this exercise/massage.
- Place your wrist on top of the ball, with the palm facing downward.
- Then apply a little pressure and roll your wrist and forearm in a circular motion. This will help massage the muscles and aid the rapid recovery during muscle injury.
- Do the same with the other side hand.
- 2 sets of 10 circular motions with both hand

The Fist to jazz hand
- This is another gentle exercise that focuses on flexibility and strength of the hand.
- Rest one arm on a table, like you’re about to arm-wrestle with someone.
- Then Make a fist.
- Slowly open your fist and stretch your fingers out as wide as they can comfortably go (do a jazz hand).
- Repeat 10 times, then switch the hand. Singing “All That Jazz” is optional.
Stretching exercise
Wrist Flexors Stretch
- To stretch your wrist flexors muscle, start by holding your right arm straight out in front of you. The palms of your hands will face outwards.
- Take your left hand, hold the fingers of your right hand and then bend them backward. You can feel the stretch on the inside of your right forearm.
- Hold the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds, repeating as needed.

The second technique Extend your left arm with your palm facing up toward the ceiling.
With your right hand, gently press your fingers down toward the floor.
Then Gently pull your fingers back toward the body.
Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.
Repeat both stretches with each arm. You should cycle through the stretches two or three times with both arms.
The third technique,
- Stand with your palm to the wall and keep your elbow straight as you press the palm against the wall. Hold for 20-30 seconds.
- Can also repeat with your palm down on a table, or by gently taking the palm down using your opposite hand.
- Please ask your physiotherapist if you are not sure which technique is the best for you.

Praying position stretches
- To do this stretch
- Patient position is Sit with your palms together and your elbows on the table in a prayer position.
- Lower the sides of the hands toward the table until you can feel a stretch. Keep your palms together. Hold this position for 5 to 7 seconds then Relax. Repeat this three times.

Stretching Exercise for Flexor pollicis longus muscle
- To Stretch the Flexor pollicis longus muscle Start with your fingers pointing up and your thumb out to one side, then use your other hand to pull down your thumb.
- The palm and thumb contain a multitude of small muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Do not overstretch by applying too much force too quickly.
Cautions and modifications
- If you are not sure where to start or would like some guidance, then visit the physiotherapist or fitness expert. They can address any specific concerns you may have, set you up with a routine, and make sure you are doing all the exercises correctly.
- When performing these exercises, only go to the degree that is appropriate for your body. Be gentle, and make sure you can maintain controlled breathing and smooth movement that mimics your movements. Avoid any jerky movement.
- Stop the exercise if you are feeling pain or anything beyond a mild sensation. If you feel soreness after these exercises, ice the painful area and try light stretching to reduce tension over the muscle.
- If you have any recent injuries or medical concerns that can be affected by forearm exercises, it is best to avoid them or do them under the guidance of a doctor or physiotherapist.
When did you not do these exercises?
- If your forearm or wrist bone is fractured recently.
- If you are already suffering from pain in the wrist.
- If you feel any pain or discomfort during these exercises then stop immediately and consult your Physiotherapist.
- If your doctor advised you to rest.
- Do not do this exercise when you can feel muscle pull or any undiagnosed contraction of the muscle.
Wrist strengthening exercises
- The Fist to jazz hand
- Wrist Circles
- Resistance Band Wrist Flexion Exercise
- Wrist Roller Exercise With A Dumbbell
- Dumbbell Radial And Ulnar Deviation
- Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl Exercise
- Wrist Exercise With Tennis Ball
- Wrist Strengthening Plate Pinch Exercise
- Wrist Grip Strengthening Exercise
- Wrist Exercise With Putty
- Foam Rolling For Wrists
Wrist exercises
- The Fist to jazz hand
- Wrist Circles
- Resistance Band Wrist Flexion Exercise
- Wrist Roller Exercise With A Dumbbell
- Dumbbell Radial And Ulnar Deviation
- Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl Exercise
- Wrist Exercise With Tennis Ball
- Wrist Strengthening Plate Pinch Exercise
- Wrist Grip Strengthening Exercise
- Wrist Exercise With Putty
- Foam Rolling For Wrists
- Wrist Flexors Stretch
- Praying position stretches
Wrist flexion muscles
- Flexor Carpi Ulnaris muscle
- Flexor Carpi Radialis
- Palmaris longus (tightens the skin and fascia in the palm)
- Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Wrist strengthening equipment
- IronMind Captains of Crush Hand Gripper
- Gripmaster Pro Hand Exerciser
- Luxon Hand Grip Strengthener
- Gripmaster Hand Exerciser
- Kootek Hand Grip Strengthener
Wrist flexor stretch
- To stretch your wrist flexors muscle, start by holding your right arm straight out in front of you. The palms of your hands will face outwards.
- Take your left hand, hold the fingers of your right hand and then bend them backward. You can feel the stretch on the inside of your right forearm.
- Hold the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds, repeating as needed.
The second technique Extend your left arm with your palm facing up toward the ceiling.
With your right hand, gently press your fingers down toward the floor.
Then Gently pull your fingers back toward the body.
Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.
Repeat both stretches with each arm. You should cycle through the stretches two or three times with both arms.
Praying position stretches
- To do this stretch
- Patient position is Sit with your palms together and your elbows on the table in a prayer position.
- Lower the sides of the hands toward the table until you can feel a stretch. Keep your palms together. Hold this position for 5 to 7 seconds then Relax. Repeat this three times.
Wrist flexion exercise
- The Fist to jazz hand
- Wrist Circles
- Resistance Band Wrist Flexion Exercise
- Wrist Roller Exercise With A Dumbbell
- Dumbbell Radial And Ulnar Deviation
- Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl Exercise
- Wrist Exercise With Tennis Ball
- Wrist Strengthening Plate Pinch Exercise
- Wrist Grip Strengthening Exercise
- Wrist Exercise With Putty
- Foam Rolling For Wrists
Best wrist-strengthening exercises
- The Fist to jazz hand
- Wrist Circles
- Resistance Band Wrist Flexion Exercise
- Wrist Roller Exercise With A Dumbbell
- Dumbbell Radial And Ulnar Deviation
- Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl Exercise
- Wrist Exercise With Tennis Ball
- Wrist Strengthening Plate Pinch Exercise
- Wrist Grip Strengthening Exercise
- Wrist Exercise With Putty
- Foam Rolling For Wrists
Resistance Band Wrist Flexion Exercise: To Do Resistance Band Wrist Flexion Exercise
The patient position is to Sit on a chair, wrap a tube resistance band around your right palm, and step on the other end of the band with your right foot. Then place your right elbow on your right thigh, with the palm facing up. This is the starting position. Move your fist down toward the ground. Hold this pose for a second. Flex your wrist up toward your body. Do this 10 times. Wrap the resistance band around your left hand and then repeat it. To Do Wrist Exercise With Tennis Ball, Hold a tennis ball with your right hand and place your right forearm on a table for support. Squeeze the tennis ball and count to 5 and then Release. Do this 10 times and repeat with your left side hand.
Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl Exercise: To Do The Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl Exercise, The Position is to Sit on a bench and hold a barbell in your hands. Your palms should be facing up, shoulders rolled back, and legs shoulder-width apart. Place your forearms on your thighs. This is the starting position. Without rolling the barbell, extend your wrists down, toward the ground. Hold this pose for a second. Flex your wrist up, toward your body. Do this exercise 10 times to complete one set. Resistance Band Wrist Flexion Exercise: To Do Resistance Band Wrist Flexion Exercise, The patient’s position is to Sit on a chair, wrap a tube resistance band around your right palm, and step on the other end of the band with your right foot. Then place your right elbow on your right thigh, with the palm facing up. This is the starting position. Move your fist down toward the ground. Hold this pose for a second. Flex your wrist up toward your body. Do this 10 times. Wrap the resistance band around your left hand and then repeat it.
The Fist to jazz hand: This is another gentle exercise that focuses on flexibility and strength of the hand. Rest one arm on a table, like you’re about to arm-wrestle with someone. Then Make a fist. Slowly open your fist and stretch your fingers out as wide as they can comfortably go (do a jazz hand). Repeat 10 times, then switch the hand. Singing “All That Jazz” is optional. You can also help weak wrists by Exercise With Tennis Ball, Hold a tennis ball with your right hand and place your right forearm on a table for support. Squeeze the tennis ball and count to 5 and then Release. Do this 10 times and repeat with your left side hand.
Push-ups are a very good way of strengthening the upper body, and they put a lot of pressure and strain on the wrists. The push-up position results in extreme extension and compression of the joints of the wrist. This puts pressure on the support structures including the bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage of the wrist.