
Pincha Mayurasana:

Pincha Mayurasana :

Pincha mayurasana is a balancing inversion that displays strength and beauty, and helps the practitioner overcome a fear of falling through mental and physical balance.


Go down and rest on your belly.

Slowly bend your elbows and keep them directly under your shoulders. Make Anjali Mudra (Namaskar Pose) by joining your palms together.

Raise your hips up. Now slowly try to step up (walk) towards your arms, as much as you can.

Lift up your right leg, and kick up the left leg off the floor.

Remain in this position for few seconds.

Keep your head remain on the floor. Ensure that your shoulders are far from your ears.

Keep your feet perpendicular to the floor. Stay in the position as much as you can and breathe slowly. Now put down your legs slowly one by one on the floor and release the pose.

In the beginning lie down on floor, facing the wall, and use wall for balancing your legs. Your feet should touch the floor and perpendicular.

Benefits :-

Pincha Mayurasana Stretches shoulders, Neck, Navel, belly and Thorax; strengthens your shoulders, back and arms.

Improves concentration level and gives calmness to your mind.

Kick out the stress and mild depression.

Feathered Peacock Pose Improves your body posture.

Makes your wrists and elbows stronger.


Human back, Shoulder, Arm .


Thorax, Neck, Shoulder, navel.

Pose type:-

Inversion .

Contraindications and Cautions :-

Back, shoulder, or neck injury .

Headache .

Heart condition .

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