Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

What is a Ustrasana (Camel Pose)? Ustrasana is a backbend that boosts shoulder flexibility, increases core strength, and stretches the entire front of the body. The name is derived from the Sanskrit ustra, meaning “camel,” and asana, meaning “pose” or “posture.” Steps of Ustrasana (Camel Pose) Sit on the floor stretching your leg and keeping…

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar

What is a Surya Namaskar? Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is a sequence of twelve powerful yoga poses. It is a full-body exercise program with several physical, psychological, and spiritual advantages. Practicing Surya Namaskar helps to improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and enhance cardiovascular health. Surya Namaskar, Salute to the Sun or Sun Salutation,…

Supta Virasana

Supta Virasana

Supta Virasana :- Supta Virasana or Reclined Hero Pose is an asana. Description:- Supta Virasana is a reclined version of virasana where the upper body reclines backward so that the backrests on the floor. The arms rest on the floor to either side of the trunk, with the palms facing up. Steps:- Sit comfortably in…


Shirshasana (Headstand)

What is a Shirshasana (Headstand)? Shirshasana (Headstand) is a highly beneficial yoga pose that involves balancing on your head with your body aligned vertically. Often referred to as the “king of asanas,” Shirshasana strengthens the upper body, core, and legs, while improving circulation, mental clarity, and focus. This inverted pose also stimulates the thyroid and…