
Zygomaticus major muscle :

Anatomy of Zygomaticus Major :

Zygomaticus major shown in red. It is a muscle of facial expression which draws the angle of the mouth superiorly and posteriorly to allow one to smile.

Origin :

Anterior surface of zygomatic bone.

Insertion :

Modiolus at angle of mouth.

Nerve supply :

Buccal branch of facial nerve (VII).

Blood supply :

Superior labial artery (facial artery)

Action :

Elevates and draws angle of mouth laterally.

Strengthening exercise:

This exercise works the zygomatic major and zygomatic minor muscles in the face. The goal is to strengthen the muscle to help plump and raise the upper cheek.

First, make sure your hands are clean. Keep your face in a neutral position. Grip and hold just above the corners of the mouth and make an exaggerated smile. As you smile gently resist the movement with your fingers for a more pronounced pull on the muscles. Focus on the muscles in the cheeks and don’t tense the rest of the face. Each movement should be done and held for 5 seconds. Rest and repeat. Start out with 5 reps per day and work up to 20 reps per day by increasing the number of reps each week. This is a simple movement that can be done at any time

Related pathology :

In Bell’s palsy, zygomaticus muscles become paralyzed.

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