Ultraviolet Therapy UVR

Use of UVR Therapy in Physiotherapy : Ultraviolet Therapy

Introduction of UVR : ~Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has been used for many years in the treatment of both skin diseases and wounds. Much work has been carried out to evaluate its effects in disease.~Ultraviolet radiation covers a small part of electromegnetic spectrum lying  between the violet end of the visible light and X-RAY region. ~UVR are…

Electrical Stimulation

Use of Electrical Stimulation in Physiotherapy

Introduction:- ~Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NEMS) is the use of electrical stimuli on a group of muscles with the objective of rehabilitating the injured muscle or stroke-affected area. ~Helps restore muscle function. ~Help reduce muscle spasm and pain.~Minimizes muscle atrophy.~Highly effective for muscles weakened from stroke or injury.~Improves damaged tissue.~Considered safe and effective for older adults….

Gluteus maximus muscle
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Gluteus Maximus Muscle

Gluteus maximus muscle and minimus, as the gluteal muscles, and sometimes referred to informally as the “glutes”) is the main extensor muscle of the hip. Gluteus Maximus Muscle Anatomy Origin the posterior surface of the ilium, sacrum, and coccyx. It slopes across the buttock at a 45-degree angle. Insertion It inserts into the iliotibial tract…

Gracilis Muscle
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Gracilis Muscle

Gracilis Muscle Anatomy The gracilis muscle is a long, thin muscle found in the thigh’s medial (adductor) compartment. Along with the adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, and pectineus muscles, it is a member of the adductor muscle group. The most superficial hip adductor, the gracilis, lies on top of the other four. Although it…

Adductor Brevis Muscle
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Adductor Brevis Muscle

Adductor brevis Muscle Anatomy Adductor brevis is a flat, triangular muscle that is found in the inner thigh. Together with the adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis, and pectineus muscles, it comprises a group of muscles known as the adductors of the thigh.  Origin It originates from the inferior ramus and body of the pubis. Insertion…

Adductor longus muscle
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Adductor Longus Muscle

Adductor Longus Muscle Anatomy Adductor longus is one of the adductor muscles of the medial thigh. Together with the adductor brevis, adductor magnus, gracilis, and obturator externus, it makes up the adductor compartment. This large fan-shaped muscle is situated most anteriorly of this group and covers the middle part of the adductor magnus and the…