11 Best Triceps Muscle Exercises
Table of Contents
- The triceps muscle exercise Improves stability in your arms and shoulders, increases flexibility, and increases range of motion. The triceps muscle exercise will prevent injury and make it easier for you to use your upper limb in daily activities, such as pushing heavy objects or upper body sports like boxing, swimming, and rowing. Tricep stretching can increase the blood flow in your arm and reduce soreness.
- The triceps muscle has three heads. The long head originates from the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula; it is the longest of the three heads. The lateral head originates from an oblique ridge on the upper part of the posterior surface of the humerus, corresponding to the lateral lip of the radial(spiral)groove. The medial head originates from a large triangular area on the posterior surface of the humerus below the radial groove, as well as from the medial and lateral intermuscular septa. At the level of the radial groove of the humerus, the medial head is medial to the lateral head. The long and lateral heads converge and fuse to form a superficial flattened tendon that covers the medial head and is inserted into the posterior part of the superior surface of the olecranon process.
- The medial head is inserted partly into the superficial tendon, and partly into the olecranon process. Although the medial head is separated from the capsule of the elbow joint by a small bursa, a few of its fibers are inserted into this part of the capsule: this prevents the nipping of the capsule during the extension of the arm. Each head of the Triceps brachii Muscle receives a separate branch from the radial nerve(C7, C8). The branches arise in the axilla and in the radial groove of the humerus. The arterial supply to the triceps brachii muscles is provided by the deep brachial artery, which is a branch of the brachial artery. The triceps brachii muscles are a powerful extensor of the elbow. The long head of the triceps brachii muscles supports the head of the humerus in the abducted position of the arm.
- Triceps muscle exercise includes 2 types of the exercise
- Strengthening exercise
- Stretching exercise
Health Benefits of Triceps muscle exercise:
- Improving triceps muscle strength brings stability to your arms and shoulders, increases flexibility, and increases range of motion.
- The triceps muscle exercise will prevent injury and makes it easier for you to use your upper limb in daily activities, such as pushing heavy objects or upper body sports like boxing, swimming, and rowing.
- The biceps and triceps muscles are crucial muscles for the pulling and pushing functions.
- The biceps is thought to be the stronger of the two, but the triceps is a larger muscle. The biceps and triceps muscles need each other to function properly.
- Tricep stretching can increase the blood flow in your arm and reduce soreness.
- By regular stretching of your tricep muscles before doing upper body exercises, you can help to reduce the chance of an injury.
- Triceps stretching exercises can prevent the tightness of muscles and loose connective tissues.
Strengthening exercise of the triceps muscles
Overhead Triceps Extension
If you want to isolate your triceps muscle, this one-joint exercise is the way to do it. You want these repetitions to be slow and in a controlled movement to get more benefits and avoid fatigue.
- How do overhead triceps extensions?
- Grab the dumbbell in both hands and stand with the hip-foot width apart.
- Extends your each side arms fully overhead. your arms should be close to your head, slowly bend your elbows, and lower the dumbbells back to your head until your arm is lower than ninety degrees.
- Your elbows should be pointed forward and not moving out to the side.
- Do this exercise for 15 to 20 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets.

Triceps Kickbacks
This exercise mainly targets your long head of triceps, which is the big muscle that runs posteriorly to your upper arms.
- How do triceps kickbacks?
- For this exercise, you have to Stand with hip-feet hip-width apart with your knees flexed slightly and your hips hinging forward.
- Grab the dumbbell in both hands at the sides by your chest so your elbows are flexed up to 90 degrees.
- Squeeze your triceps muscle, and extend your arms behind you with your palms facing in.
- Your arms should be extended fully in a straight line parallel to your trunk.
- Do this exercise for 15 to 20 repetitions for 2 to 4 sets.

Triceps Underhand Kickbacks
By changing the grip of the traditional triceps kickback, you will target the medial portion of the triceps muscle. this part of the triceps muscle provides stability.
- How do triceps underhand kickbacks?
- For this exercise, you have to Stand with hip-feet hip-width apart with your knees slightly bend and your hips hinging forward.
- Grab the dumbbell in both hands palm should be facing both hands at the sides by your chest so your elbows are bent up to 90 degrees.
- You make a supinated grip. Engage your triceps muscle, and extend your arms behind you with your arms fully extended in a straight line parallel to the trunk.
- Do this exercise for 20 to 25 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets.

Standing Eccentric Triceps Extensions
This exercise may look simple, but it can utilize your triceps muscle quickly if you move at a faster pace and use more weight, so choose dumbbells mostly.
- How do standing eccentric triceps extensions?
- For this exercise, you have to Stand with hip-feet hip-width apart with your knees slightly bent and your hips hinging forward.
- Grab a dumbbell in both hands at the sides by your chest so your elbows are bent up to 90 degrees and then extend the elbows back out.
- Do this exercise for 20 to 30 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets.

Skull Crushers
This is also called a French press. Skull Crushers exercise emphasizes on entire triceps muscle group through the concentric phase of the movement.
- How do skull crushers?
- For this exercise, you have to Lie flat on your back on the mat with your knees bent.
- Grab the dumbbell in both hands by your chest and extend your straight arms up towards the ceiling.
- Slowly lower both arms toward your head down by your sides and bent your elbows up to 90 degrees.
- Do this exercise for 15 to 25 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets.

Close-Grip Dumbbell Press
This exercise is similar to the chest press, the closed grip focuses on the triceps muscle instead of the chest.
- How to do a close-grip dumbbell press?
- For this exercise, you have to Lie flat on your back on the mat with your knees bent.
- Grab the dumbbell in both hands by your chest and extend your straight arms up towards the ceiling, press them back to lockout at the top moves.
- Continue pressing together when you lower back down with control. This is the first repetition.
- Do this exercise for 15 to 20 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets.

Tate Press exercise
The Tate press is mostly we can do on a bench at an incline, but you can still get the benefits of this exercise at home, by using a mat. This advanced movement isolates the triceps muscle without recruiting your back or shoulders.
- How do a Tate press?
- For this exercise, you have to Lie flat on your back on the mat with your knees bent.
- Grab the dumbbell in both hands with palms facing forward and extend them shoulder-width apart with the elbows pointing outward.
- Without moving your arms, slowly bent your elbows inside towards the chest so the dumbbells move in and down until they touch your upper chest—but do not let them rest on your chest.
- Then, engaging your triceps muscle, press the dumbbells up to the initial position.
- This is the first repetition.
- Do this exercise for 10 to 20 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets.

Diamond Push-Ups
In the basic push-up position if you change the position of the hands then it will more emphasis on the triceps muscle. You are still doing a full-body workout, but you are utilizing your triceps muscle to do the heavy lifting.
- How to do diamond push-ups?
- For this exercise, you have to take a high plank position with your shoulder directly below your wrist and your body in a straight line.
- Put your both hands together under your shoulders with your index finger and thumb touching to make a diamond.
- Slowly lower your body to the mat your elbows widening out to the sides.
- By using your triceps press your arms back up to straighten.
- This is the first repetition.
- Do this exercise for 10 to 20 repetitions for 2 to 4 sets.

Chaturanga Push-Up
This is the classic pose to build upper-body and core muscle strength while increasing flexibility and range of motion in your shoulders.
- How do Chaturanga push-ups?
- For this exercise, you have to take the high plank position with your shoulder directly below your wrist and your body in a straight line.
- Slowly lower your body towards the floor while lifting your knee and thighs like you are doing a standard push-up.
- Move your body forward to the top of the feet with your chest forward and arch your back.
- Now roll your body back to a high plank position.
- This is the first repetition.
- Do this exercise for 15 to 20 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets.

Up-Down Planks
- How do up-down planks?
- For this exercise, you have to take the high plank position with your shoulder directly below your wrist and your body in a straight line.
- Bring your right arm down to a forearm plank position and then your left arm.
- Then put your right hand on the mat and press back up to a high plank, followed by your left arm.
- This is the first repetition.
- Do this exercise for 15 to 20 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets.

Chair Dips
Your deltoids, pectoralis, and lattisismus Dorsi muscle also get some action in this exercise, strengthening your upper body while also increasing your body’s range of motion. As you progress and get more strength, you can extend your legs out.
- How do chair dips?
- For this exercise, you have to Sit on the chair and place your both hands on it with your fingers facing the front.
- Straighten your legs out in front of you at a hip distance apart with only your heels touching the floor.
- Flexed the elbows and lower your body towards the floor until your elbows form a ninety-degree angle.
- Then, press your body up, by using your triceps muscle to extend your arms.
- Do this exercise for 15 to 20 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets

Best Triceps Strengthening Exercises Video
Stretching exercise of the triceps muscles
Types of triceps muscle stretching
There are some common types of triceps muscle stretching exercises are:
- Overhead triceps stretch
- Triceps towel stretch
- Horizontal stretch
- Leaning stretch
- Triceps pull-down
- Standing bench triceps stretching
Overhead triceps stretch
- You can do this stretching exercise while sitting or standing. This is a self-stretching exercise for the triceps muscles.
- To do this stretch: Raise your shoulders upward towards your ears, then push them down and back.
- Extend your left arm towards the ceiling, then do elbow bending so your left palm touches the center of your back.
- Use your right side hand to firmly push your elbow toward the center and down.
- 30 seconds hold and 3 to 4 repetitions on each side.

Triceps towel stretch
- This stretching exercise is slightly deeper than the overhead triceps stretch. You can use a towel or strap or a bar. During the stretching open your chest and use your core muscles.
- To do this stretch: The starting position is standing. now hold a towel in your left hand.
- Bring your right elbow downward along the side of your body and reach your right hand upward to hold the end of the towel, keeping the back of your right hand against your back.
- Draw your hands in opposite directions.

Horizontal stretch
- This stretch increases flexibility. You can perform it during standing or sitting.
- To do this stretch: Bring your right arm across your body.
- Slightly bend your elbow.
- Use your right hand to support the movement as you press your right arm into your chest and over to the left.
- 30 seconds hold that stretch and do it 3 to 4 times on each side.

Leaning stretch
- How to do this stretch – To perform this stretching exercise you need a chair, couch, or bench — basically, something stable. This object needs leaning.
- Take a Kneeling position as far as possible away from the chair so you can lean forward without resting your head on a chair and your body should be parallel to the floor.
- Put your elbows on the chair, above your head. Bending elbows supports you, and does not strain your lower back.
- Look at the floor, your head, neck, and back in a line. Assure your elbow only body part which can touch the chair.
- Guide your forearms towards the neck and place palms on the back of the neck.
- Press your upper body toward the floor while exhaling.
- Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, then reverse the motion and back to the kneeling position. then Repeat.

Triceps pull-down
- How to do this stretch: Position is Standing straight and your feet should be shoulder-width apart.
- Grab one end of the resistance band with your right hand.
- Place your right hand just below your shoulder level, and firmly hold the resistance band.
- Grasp the opposing end of the resistance band with your left hand. Place this hand at a level of your hip.
- Inhale and stick your right hand against your chest throughout the motion.
- During this inhale draw the band down towards the ground with your left hand, until the left arm is completely straight.
- Pull the resistance band as much as you can without snapping back and hold the position.
- Exhale and slowly return your left arm to hip level, relieving the tension created by the resistance band.
- Repeat and switch the arm.

Standing bench triceps stretching exercise
- How to do this stretch: position is Standing straight with your feet apart, your right leg should be straight and put behind your bent left leg.
- Place your left elbow on the bench.
- Breathe and inhale as you incline towards the bench.
- When inclining, apply some pressure to your left elbow and bent left leg.
- you can hold this position for 30 seconds.
- Exhale as you drive away from the bench, correct your posture, and return your left arm to its side.
- Repeat this process on the other arm.
- When you switch your arm, also switch your legs.

There are some common mistakes that you do not make during triceps muscle stretching exercises:
- You’re not lowering enough: If you are not dipping lower to your body properly, your arms will not be contracted properly. so make sure to lower your body properly but don’t touch the floor.
- Keeping your elbows too far apart: Keep your elbows shoulder-width apart. Closer or wider than that may cause the injury.
- Pushing yourself up using your legs: This exercise targets the upper part of the body, and using your legs for that makes you delay your result.
- Too fast exercise: Do not perform fast movements and give rest to muscles.
- Arm locking isn’t proper: Your arms are not locking properly makes you less muscle stretching.
- Adding too much weight: Some people put weight on their legs while performing triceps dips. if you are a beginner then you take caution or not perform with weight.
- Repetitions aren’t enough: Performing 20 repetitions and 5 sets is the basic need. Anything less than this protocol will not give you any results.
- Not holding your position: When you are doing stretching exercises, hold the position for a second or two.
- Not keeping your feet in the right position: You need to balance yourself during stretch so place your feet properly on the floor.
- Warm-up exercise necessary for triceps dips: Before you start triceps dips you need to perform the warm exercises on your arm.
Triceps muscle exercises with dumbbells
- Overhead Triceps Extension
- Triceps Kickbacks
- Triceps Underhand Kickbacks
- Skull Crushers
- Close-Grip Dumbbell Press
- Tate Press exercise
Tricep exercises at home
- Narrow Push-up
- Triceps Bow
- Power Triceps Extension
- Forearm Triceps Extension
- Bench Dip with Elevated Legs
Tricep exercises for women
- Overhead Triceps Extension
- Triceps Kickbacks
- Triceps Underhand Kickbacks
- Skull Crushers
- Close-Grip Dumbbell Press
Tricep weight exercises
- Overhead Triceps Extension
- Triceps Kickbacks
- Triceps Underhand Kickbacks
- Skull Crushers
- Close-Grip Dumbbell Press
- Tate Press exercise
Triceps workout with dumbbells for beginners
Hold a dumbbell in each hand with elbows out about 45 degrees from the sides. Keep lower back pressed into the floor, press weights straight up over chest, and extend arms. Pause for a moment, then slowly bend your elbows to lower weights back down until the backs of your upper arms return to the floor. That’s one rep.
Best tricep exercises
- Overhead Triceps Extension
- Triceps Kickbacks
- Triceps Underhand Kickbacks
- Skull Crushers
- Close-Grip Dumbbell Press
- Tate Press exercise
- Overhead triceps stretch
- Triceps towel stretch
- Horizontal stretch
- Leaning stretch
- Triceps pull-down
- Standing bench triceps stretching
Exercises for the triceps muscle is the Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press: 2 Warm-Up Sets Of 10 to 15 Repetition, Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press: 4 Sets Of 10 to 15 Repetitions, Lying Triceps Extensions With An EZ Curl Bar: 3 Sets Of 10 to 15 Repetitions, Parallel Bar Dips: 3 Sets Of 10 to 15 Repetitions, Rope Pressdowns: 2 Sets Of 20 Repetitions.
3 exercises that strengthen your triceps are Overhead Triceps Extension, Triceps Kickbacks, and Triceps Underhand Kickbacks. To do overhead triceps extensions, Grab the dumbbell in both hands and stand with the hip-foot width apart. Extends your each side arms fully overhead. your arms should be close to your head, slowly bend your elbows, and lower the dumbbells back to your head until your arm is lower than ninety degrees. Your elbows should be pointed forward and not moving out to the side. Do this exercise for 15 to 20 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets.
The best workout for the triceps muscle are Overhead Triceps Extension, Triceps Kickbacks, Triceps Underhand Kickbacks, Skull Crushers, Close-Grip Dumbbell Press, and the Tate Press exercise
To that end, beginners should plan on doing four total chest and triceps muscle exercises per session. Advanced lifters can aim for 6 to 7. Due to the triceps being active on pressing lifts (and the fact that they’re smaller muscle groups), you should generally do more chest work than triceps muscle exercises.
The fastest way to build triceps is Dips: Dips are simple to perform and do not require much equipment, Close Grip Bench Presses, Push-downs, French Presses Lying Triceps Extensions Skull Crushers, and Overhead Extensions.