Shoulder Dystocia

Shoulder Dystocia

Introduction Shoulder dystocia is defined as a mechanical problem that occurs during vaginal delivery and is characterized by one of the following parameters. Suppose gentle downward traction fails to deliver the foetal shoulders. In that case, additional delivery manoeuvres may be necessary for a successful delivery, a documented head-to-body interval of more than one minute….

Swan Neck Deformity
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Swan Neck Deformity

What is a Swan Neck Deformity? Swan-neck deformity (SND) is a finger deformity characterized by proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) hyperextension and distal interphalangeal joint (DIP) flexion. There may also be reciprocal flexion of the metacarpal phalangeal joint (MCP). A Swan-Neck Deformity is caused by an imbalance in the digit’s extensor mechanism. At the PIP joint,…

Pubic Pain During Pregnancy

Pubic Pain During Pregnancy

Introduction Pubic pain during pregnancy is a common problem in the final months of pregnancy, causing many inconveniences and lowering pregnant women’s quality of life. Understanding the cause of pubic pain during pregnancy is essential for overcoming it. Pubic bone pain is fairly common during pregnancy. The hormone relaxin causes the pelvis to loosen in…

Zygomatic Fracture
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Zygomatic Fracture

Introduction Following nasal bone fractures, zygomatic fractures are the second most common face fractures, occurring primarily in males in their twenties and thirties. The zygomatic bone, particularly the malar eminence, influences the appearance of our faces. It is a component of the orbit’s lateral wall and floor, as well as the zygomatic arch. It also…

Tensor Fascia Latae Pain
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Tensor Fascia Latae Pain

What is a Tensor Fascia Latae Pain? Pain in the tensor fasciae latae can manifest as a dull ache or sharp pain on the outer hip or the front of the thigh. This discomfort may be exacerbated by activities that involve hip movement, such as walking or climbing stairs. Introduction The tensor fasciae latae (TFL)…

Bone Tissue

Bone Tissue

Introduction Bone tissue is constantly remodelled by the coordinated actions of bone cells, including bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts, with osteocytes acting as mechanosensors and orchestrators of the bone remodelling process. This process is governed by both local (e.g., growth factors and cytokines) and systemic (e.g., calcitonin and oestrogens) factors, which…

Zygomatic bone

Zygomatic bone

Introduction The zygomatic bones are also referred to as the cheekbones. These bones are located directly beneath each eye and extend upward to the outer side of each eye. The zygomatic bones connect to several other facial bones, including the nose, jaw, portions of the eye, and bones just in front of the ears. The…