Tibia Bone

Tibia Bone

Introduction of the tibia bone Embryology and Development of the Tibia Bone Embryology and Development of the Tibia Bone is as mentioned below , Region of the tibia bone The Region of the tibial bone is described below, The Proximal end of the tibia bone The Proximal end of the tibia bone is as follows…

Femur Bone

Femur Bone

Introduction introduction of the femur bone is as described follows , The longest and strongest bone in the human body is the femur, also referred to as the thigh bone. It plays a crucial role in providing structural support and bearing the majority of the body’s weight during activities such as standing, walking, and running….

Humerus Bone

Humerus Bone

Introduction of the humerus bone The humerus is a long bone located in the upper arm or forelimb of vertebrates, extending from the shoulder to the elbow. Defines the human brachium, or arm. It articulates distally at the elbow joint with the radius and ulna, and proximally with the glenoid through the glenohumeral (GH) joint….

Bone Tissue

Bone Tissue

Introduction Bone tissue is constantly remodelled by the coordinated actions of bone cells, including bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts, with osteocytes acting as mechanosensors and orchestrators of the bone remodelling process. This process is governed by both local (e.g., growth factors and cytokines) and systemic (e.g., calcitonin and oestrogens) factors, which…

Zygomatic bone

Zygomatic bone

Introduction The zygomatic bones are also referred to as the cheekbones. These bones are located directly beneath each eye and extend upward to the outer side of each eye. The zygomatic bones connect to several other facial bones, including the nose, jaw, portions of the eye, and bones just in front of the ears. The…