Corrugator Supercilli Muscle
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Corrugator Supercilli Muscle Anatomy
The Corrugator supercilii is a small, narrow, pyramidal muscle close to the eye. It is located at the medial end of the eyebrow, beneath the frontalis, and just above the orbicularis oculi muscle. The name corrugator supercilii is Latin, meaning wrinkler of the eyebrows.
Origin of Corrugator Supercilli
The depressor supercilii originates on the medial orbital rim, near the lacrimal bone. It arises from the medial end of the superciliary arch; and its fibers pass upward and laterally, between the palpebral and orbital portions of the orbicularis oculi muscle, and are inserted into the deep surface of the skin, above the middle of the orbital arch.
It inserts on the medial aspect of the bony orbit, inferior to the corrugator supercilii. In some specimens it exhibits two heads and in others, only one.
Nerve supply
A plexus mainly from the inferior ramus partly from the middle ramus of the temporal branch of the facial nerve enters the corrugator supercilii muscle in the supraorbital area.
Blood supply
The corrugator supercilii is supplied by branches of the superficial temporal and ophthalmic arteries.
Corrugator Supercilli Muscle action

- The corrugator muscle draws the eyebrow downward and medially, producing the vertical wrinkles of the forehead.
- It is the “frowning” muscle, and may be regarded as the principal muscle in the expression of suffering.
- It also contracts to prevent high sun glare, pulling the eyebrows toward the bridge of the nose, making a roof over the area above the middle corner of the eye and typical forehead furrows.
The muscle is sometimes surgically severed or paralyzed with botulinum toxin as a preventive treatment for some types of migraine or for aesthetic reasons.
It is located next to the orbicularis oculi muscle, with which it partially merges, and the frontalis muscle (of the occipitofrontalis muscle). The orbicularis oculi muscle’s palpebral and orbital parts are where its fibres are located.
In between this muscle and the frontalis muscle, the supratrochlear nerve is located.
The Latin term corrugator supercilii, which translates to “eyebrow wrinkler,” gives rise to the name.
Strengthening Exercise of Corrugator Supercilli
- Start by placing the tip of your middle fingers in the center of each of your eyebrows.
- Tug them apart while simultaneously maintaining a frown.
- Hold the position then release, Now re-position your fingertips at the center of your brow, but instead push your brows together (inward) while raising your brows.
- Once again, hold and then relax.
Stretching Exercise:

- Keep your face in a neutral position and place both of your index fingers on the bridge of your nose.
- With moderate pressure, glide your fingers firmly from the root of the nose diagonally upward to just above the middle of each eyebrow.
- Move through the stretch and hold for 5 seconds. Rest and repeat.
- Start out with 5 reps per day and work up to 10 reps per day by increasing the number of reps each week.
- This is a simple movement that can be done at any time
Clinical importance:
In Bell’s palsy corrugator supercillis muscle common paralysis
The corrugator supercilii muscle moves the eyebrow downward and inward toward the inner corner of the eye and nose. The lower forehead’s vertical lines and wrinkles are also produced by this muscle.
A pair of muscles called the corrugator supercilii can be located deep to the medial end of each eyebrow. When these muscles are contracted, the two eyebrows are drawn together inferiorly and medially, creating frown lines over the glabella and vertical wrinkles.
The medial head of the orbital component of the orbicularis oculi muscle and the corrugator supercilii muscle are separate from the depressor supercilii muscle. The orbicularis oculi muscle was found to have an inferior orientation and be redder in color than the depressor supercilii muscle.
A facial expression muscle in the orbit is called the corrugator supercilii. It is a muscle with a triangle shape that is situated in the glabella area of the face. Attachments – Inserts onto the skin of the brow and arises from the medial aspect of the superciliary arch.
Another name for corrugator supercilii are Muscle of Koyter, Corrugator glabellae muscle. Corrugator supercilii is lateral to the procerus muscle where it originates.
The Latin term corrugator supercilii, which translates to “eyebrow wrinkler,” gives rise to the name.
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