Cerebral Palsy
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Mixed Cerebral Palsy And Physiotherapy Treatment

Introduction:- Mixed cerebral palsy occurs when a baby is experiencing symptoms of many types of cerebral palsy at once, a group of neurological impairments that affect motor and overdeveloping functional skills. Because baby diagnosed with mixed cerebral palsy may have brain damage in more than one area of the brain, this form of cerebral palsy…

Cervical Spondylosis
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Cervical Spondylosis: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

What is spondylosis? What is cervical spondylosis? Anatomy of the Neck region : Intervertebral disks are invited by 2 parts : Bio-Mechanics of The Neck Pathophysiology Cervical spondylosis causes: Other factors affecting cervical spondylosis include prolonged retention of the neck position or repetition of similar neck movements. Bone spurs:These excess growths of bone are the…

Back of forearm muscle
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Back Of The Forearm Muscles

Introduction The muscles in the Back of the forearm muscles (posterior compartment of the forearm) are commonly known as the extensor group of muscles. The general function of these muscles is to perform extension at the wrist and fingers joints. They all are innervated by the radial nerve. Anatomically, the muscles in the posterior compartment…

Cerebral Palsy
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Athetoid Cerebral Palsy And Physiotherapy treatment:

What is an Athetoid cerebral palsy? Athetoid cerebral palsy, or dyskinetic cerebral palsy, is a type of cerebral palsy associated with injury, like other forms of Cerebral Palsy, to the basal ganglia in the form of lesions that happens during brain development due to bilirubin encephalitic pathology and hypoxic-ischemic head injury. Unlike other types of…

Deltoid muscle

Deltoid Muscle

Introduction The Deltoid muscle is a large triangular-shaped muscle that lies over the shoulder joint and it gives the shoulder its rounded contour.Deltoid muscle contains three-part Deltoid muscles act as an abductor of the shoulder and stabilizers of the humeral head. as well as assist in elevation forward.The deltoid is a very powerful muscle and…

Upper arm muscle pain
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Upper Arm Muscle Pain

Introduction Your upper arm is the meeting point of different bones, muscles, joints, arteries, and nerves. They all work together to keep your shoulder, arm, and hand functioning properly. But if something happens to any of these parts, it can cause pain in the area as well as other symptoms like bruising, heat, visible deformities,…

Spinal cord injury
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Spinal Cord Injury

What is Spinal Cord Injury? A spinal cord injury damages the spinal cord itself or nearby bones and tissues. Depending on the severity of the condition, it frequently causes permanent changes in sensation, strength, and other body mobility or function in various parts of the patient’s body below the site of the injury. Treatments include…

Hamstring strain
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Muscle Pulled Of The Back Of The Thigh (Hamstring Strain)

What is a Muscle Pulled Of The Back Of The Thigh (Hamstring Strain)? Muscle Pulled Of The Back Of The Thigh is also called Hamstring Strain because Hamstring muscles are located at the Back of the thigh, when This Hamstring muscles overstretched it is called Hamstring muscle pulled. A hamstring injury is a strain or…